We file their tax returns every year which consists of state pension income, income from various investments and pension income from their time in Nassau which come with an automatic 10% exemption to tax.
Our clients are very exact in their requirements and we have been asked to ensure that each entry on the tax retrain is precisely as shown in the clients' documents. This is sometimes very tricky to achieve as our computer software likes to decide for itself the rounding up or down of the pennies.
Whilst HMRC will not take issue with "rounding" inaccuracies, we take great care in the preparation of the returns as we know it's important to our client that they accurately reflect the true position, and not that of a computer default! So we force our software to bend to our will and override each automatic entry that does not produce the absolute correct, to the penny, result. We charge no extra for this - we're happy that our clients are happy.